Welcome to Northwest Clinical Research Center
We are a multi-specialty medical research facility providing medical evaluation and follow-up at no cost for community members interested in participating in clinical trials. Clinical trials are systematic processes for evaluating the safety and effectiveness of the medications we need and use every day.
Why participate in a clinical trial?
Your voluntary participation in a clinical trial provides invaluable medical information for yourself and others. Without volunteers, medical advances would not be possible and the safety and benefits of medications would not be ensured. If you wish to participate in a trial, specially qualified physicians and research staff will see you for an evaluation of your condition and determine if any current or future clinical trials may be right for you. All of this is provided for you at no cost.
What we do for our community of patients
We are dedicated to providing the highest quality medical research services and interim care (before and after studies) to our patients. We are proud to have provided services such as clinical evaluations, diagnostic tests, care management, and educational guidance to the community since 1995 by partnering with the pharmaceutical industry on research endeavors. Patient safety is our top priority and we ensure all patients feel welcome regardless of entry into a clinical trial. Experience, specialized expertise, and appreciation for our patients underscore every service we provide.